Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Vintage Car

This photo just arrived in the mail today so thought I would post it before putting it into an album. I love old cars but no expert so I can't say what it is but the lantern headlights are great and it's good to have a convertable. I imagine the extras were missing though, things like heat and a radio or much anything else. I don't even see a spare which was almost a necessity on those old roads.


  1. Dave:

    Well, I just figured out you were from Streamwood (read the About Me). I grew up in Elgin, so howdy neighbor (though I'm in sunny Florida now).

    I'm glad you started this site - it'll be a good companion to the Old Picture of the Day site we both visit. Because of its historical content, I can post this site on my history-oriented (Citrus County Social Studies) blog at http://citruscountysocialstudies.blogspot.com/

    Keep up the good job!

  2. Thanks Mike, small world for sure. I have a couple of pictures from a man that lived in Elgin although I can't identify him and unfortuntely there are no landmarks that identify it as such. I'll try and dig them up though and post them here. If you do not already visit the Shorpy site on my links. Best place I know of for vintage photographs.

  3. I'd take a wild stab at it being a model T.
    The headlights are carbide lamps.
    Water dripping on calcium carbide produces acetylene, just like the miner's lamps of the day.
    Great photo although Dad looks a bit stern
