Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Goat Cart

I see a lot of these pics with the goats pulling a cart with kids. Maybe before the move to more urban living a lot of people had goats? Probably safer and smarter then the little motor cars some people buy thier children to ride around when there isn't anywhere for them to do so. When not pulling the cart the goat could be tethered in the yard and do the mowing for you also.
Not to mention the milk and if things were tough enough goat meat for dinner. I would be tempted to go out and get one myself but I think these days it's illegal to keep a goat where I live. The picture was taken in Bloomington Illinois and the children are Elinor 20 months and Vivian 4 years old. No mention of the year.
The other picture also has no year or any other information. When I pulled this one out I couldn't remember if I had posted it before. I don't think so but was too lazy to backtrack and check. The outfits are worth a second look even if I did though.

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