Friday, June 12, 2009

Looking Prim and Proper

Thats the thought I have when I look at this picture anyway, not only the dress which has that look to me but her posture and the expression, the whole thing. Of course what do I know, she was probably the original wild child.


  1. I love looking and trying to guess information on the people you put up on your blog. Off the cuff, I'd say Italian descent, Catholic, first quarter of the 20th century.
    Where's my magic 8 ball when I need it - oh, that's right. The battery died, and I can't figure out how to replace it.

  2. I agree with you, the crucifix looks to be Catholic alhtough not sharp enough to be certain and the complexion and nose somehow look Italian to me. I always do that myself when I don't have the info on a pic which is most often and even more find myself imagining what kind of person they were. Of course I have no way of proving myself right or wrong.
