Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Niagra Falls

Three images today from someones trip to Niagra Falls, 1920's I would guess from the cars in the one picture. I have never been so I have no idea how much it has changed but I'm sure a lot.
I went to the Official website to get a feeling for the history and didn't find much. They did say that the first to go over the falls in a barrel was in 1901, a woman schoolteacher in her sixties?
She did survive. They did say that the history of the falls would leave a history buff "captivated" and mentionedthe importance of the area in the war of 1812 but having said that there was nothing else, leaving me less then captivated. I guess to reach that state requires a little more effort and searching.


  1. my parents went there for their honeymoon many years ago and that was the place for everyone to go for the honeymoon in 1949.I think most the photos I see from there are pretty much the same. These are pretty interesting with the cars and the falls behind them.

  2. I have a few other pics of the falls, kind of like the capitol building or atlantic city, all popular spots, but this is one of the clearest I have. My parents also were married in 1949 although I don't know if or where they honeymooned. They divorced a few years later so a little more romance might have been good.
